Easy R Language Installation: A Beginner’s Tutorial

Zayyan Cahya
3 min readOct 1, 2023


Install the R-Programming Language and RStudio

In this article, I’ll provide a step-by-step tutorial on installing R and RStudio on a Windows operating system.

Download R and RStudio for windows

First of all, you can open up your browser and search for “RStudio Desktop”. choose the website that you like, but in this tutorial i will go with Posit website.

R Language

Download R language by clicking the left blue button, you will be redirected to cran.rstudio.com

Choose “Download R for Windows” and then choose base. The download process will be starting soon.


You can download RStudio by clicking the blue button below the “2: Install RStudio” text

Install R and RStudio for windows

R language

After the downloading process is done, you can proceed into the next step. Open “R-4.3.1-win.exe”, and then choose where you will install the R, or you can leave it to default which is “C:\Program Files\R\R-4.3.1”

Click next until the installation process is completed, then click the finish button. Before installing the RStudio, you have to set up the R language to your system environment variables. Press windows button and type “env” then choose “Edit the system environment variables”, after that click on “Environment Variable” button

Choose path on system variables, then press edit. Create new path by clicking the new button on the right side, after that you can type the file path of R language that we installed before, in this case it’s “C:\Program Files\R\R-4.3.1” Don’t forget to press “OK”


This process shouldn’t be a big problem, and mostly the same with the R language installation. First open the “RStudio-2023.09.0–463.exe”. Then locate where you will install the RStudio, in this tutorial i will leave it to default “C:\Program Files\RStudio”. Click next until the process is finished

After the installation is complete, you can open RStudio either by clicking the shortcut or using the Windows Start menu.
type your first line of code using R language with

sprintf ("Hello World!")

“There you go! You’ve successfully set up R and RStudio on your Windows system. Now, you’re all set to dive into the world of data analysis, visualization, and statistical modeling.

And if you’re curious for more R-language projects and insights, don’t forget to explore my other articles.

An Easy-to-Follow R Language Project: Beginner’s Guide



Zayyan Cahya
Zayyan Cahya

Written by Zayyan Cahya


Pelajar SMK RUS

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